
As a whole, this is an auspicious, provocative debut. For all the restraint and space on disc one, the second is remarkably kinetic and diverse, offering excellent contrast and expansive vision. ECM's considerable faith in this young musician is well founded.

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MT Blog

Mette Henriette is a triumph, presenting a fresh sound from an original voice. I’ve been listening to this album for several weeks now, and one thing remains constant: this is a soundworld in which I want to inhabit and further explore. It’s enchanting.

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Jazz Views

A wonderful ECM debut from a saxophonist with a lot of potential to become one of the label’s most known names. Her melodic sense and command of her instrument make for a thoroughly engaging ride through the brief vignettes and longer pieces, that illustrate many different musical directions, it will be exciting to see where she heads next.

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ECM Records

Music was for me an experience that was so much more than notes on paper, than scores and theory and practice. I have to tell my stories, and early on I had a feeling of how I was going to do that. Music was an outlet but I knew I needed the craft to do it. Soon I would also enjoy disappearing into the theoretical aspects of music but at the beginning it was something more primitive, a response to an inner urge.

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Saksofonisten er ved første øyekast ikke en du skulle tro hadde denne kraften i lungene. Eller på mennesker. Likevel har Mette Henriette Rølvåg (24) den nokså spesielle gaven at folk suges mot henne. Og med folk kunne en like gjerne sagt verdensstjerner.

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